FAQ - Basics
FAQ - Installation
FAQ - Aesthetics
Rockpave is a range of contemporary natural stone and coloured recycled glass flooring and paving systems for both interior and exterior applications. It uses unique resin technology to bind specially selected natural and recycled glass pebbles, trowelled to form a seamless durable surface.
Rockpave is available throughout Australia and New Zealand through a network of skilled contractors. Call MPS Paving Systems for details of suitable local installers.
No, Rockpave is usually installed at similar or lower rates to other paving systems such as tiles, pavers, or exposed aggregate concrete. Call MPS Paving Systems for a budget estimate of your project based on the colour, area size and design thickness required.
Yes, most Rockpave installers will offer a comprehensive installation warranty based around the particular design and purpose of the surface. Discuss the warranty available with your installer.
All Rockpave systems are a variation on a theme designed for a specific application or function. It is important to note, however, that it is perfectly possible to use StoneCarpet externally and SuperStone internally as the same resin is used for all systems.
In brief the four systems are categorised as follows:
- FlowStone™ - Typically a larger 6-8mm pebble designed for maximum porousity in permeable applications.
- StoneCarpet - Typically a smaller 4-6mm (or smaller) pebble for a tighter surface finish, suitable for interior floors.
- SuperStone - A design blend of aggregate sizes for maximum density and load bearing strength in most exterior applications.
- CrystalPave™ - A recycled, tumbled glass surface for a unique, dramatic and colourful finish. Also suitable for backlighting to stunning effect.
Yes, all Rockpave surfaces are suitable for vehicular traffic when installed to the corrrect specification for purpose.
Yes, all Rockpave systems are permeable when applied over a permeable substrate. The degree and speed of permeability is determined by the pebble/ void size of the surface. FlowStone™ is the Rockpave system designed for maximum permeability.
Where it is laid over an impermeable substrate, such as concrete, the Rockpave system would be best described as self draining, as the water would be absorbed into the surface and flow to falls within the Rockpave overlay.
Rockpave surfaces are extremely simple and practical surfaces to keep clean. Pressure washing exterior surfaces and vacuum or steam mop interior floors for the best results. Customers should refer to the Rockpave Care and Maintenance Guide issued with the warrant for details.
No, once the Rockpave resin has cured, it cannot re-plasticize such as asphalt in hot weather. This mkes it an ideal exterior surface where point loading or unravelling is an issue.
Rockpave can often feel a little cooler underfoot than adjacent concrete, asphalt or timber surfaces due to the air void between the stones. Lighter colours will also reflect heat more efficiently.
Conversely, Rockpave can often feel a little warmer underfoot in winter than adjacent tiles or concrete etc. because of the insulating effect of the air voids.
Yes, Rockpave can be used with a variety of recycled materials such as glass, crushed bricks and tiles and plastics and non corroding metals.
Rockpave standard range of aggregates are sourced exclusively from Australia and New Zealand under strict environmental guidlines and quota systems from sustainable land quarries of old stream routes.
"Over time there is a change in the routes that streams take as they flow to the sea. This leaves behind deposits of sand, rocks and pebbles that can be quarried from dry land without damaging existing streams or disturbing the landscape" - Sustainable Gardening Australia
Rockpave designer range of aggregate is a by product of small scale Australian granite and marble dimension stone quarrying.
CrystalPave is manufactured exclusively from recycled glass.
Rockpave is possibly the most environmentally sustainable paving system available.
All materials sourced are recycled or from sources with minimal impact on the environment. Resins are solvent free and non hazardous.
Wherever possible, bulk freight shipping is by rail or my sea; and locally sourced aggregates are optimized by region to further minimize freight handling and carbon emissions.
Installation requires nothing more than a humble concrete mixer and hard yakka without the need of water, heavy machinery or automation associated with concrete and bitumen paving. Rockpave pavements do not produce any hazardous "run off" toxins often associated with new bitumen and exposed concrete finishes which can enter the waterway systems and poison aquatic life.
Rockpave systems are permeable and ideal for water harvesting systems or simply helping the hydration of adjacent vegetation.
Yes, all Rockpave systems can be applied over concrete without the need for control joints. Concrete is generally the most economical substrate to re-surface as less material is generally needed.
Yes, all Rockpave systems can be applied over asphalt. The depth, texture and condition of the asphalt will determine the suitable applied thickness required.
Yes, all Rockpave systems can be applied full depth over a suitably designed and installed crushed rock substrate. This is generally a more expensive option than concrete or asphalt as it requires to be installed at pavement depths (typically 30mm) with Fibregrid re-inforcement.
Yes, Rockpave can be laid in a similar fashion to tiles using fixed cement sheeting over timber floors as a stable substrate. StoneCarpet is typically laid at 8-10mm in these applications.
Yes, Rockpave systems are suitable for application around pools. The unique porous nature of the surface is also beneficial in dispersing surface water to reduce slipping accidents.
Yes, Rockpave is suitable as a paving system over waterproof membranes. It can also be laid over fixed drainage cells for maximum water dispersal.
Rockpave requires good trowelling skills for best results therefore we generally discourage homeowners from self installing unless they are experienced or confident in their own skills. In these circumstances we require self installers to attend a one day training course before materials can be supplied.
Yes, Rockpave is the ideal surface for all Water Sensitive Urban Designed pavements.
Yes, Rockpave is being increasingly specified as a suitable permeable pavement to satisfy local planning regulations.
Rockpave cannot be trowelled onto a vertical surface, however it can be applied to a backing board such as cement sheet, or weatherproof blue board which can then be fixed to a vertical surface as a panel.
Yes, Rockpave is suitable as a flooring surface over underfloor heating systems.
Rockpave is available in a range of over 30 Standard Range, Designer Range and CrystalPave colours in different sizes. Visit the MPS Paving Systems website for full colour range details or to arrange for free samples to be sent.
Yes, all Rockpave systems are designed for simple custom blending of pebbles or glass to meet your requirements at no extra cost.
No, Rockpave systems only ever use our unique proprietary resin formulated using the highest quality materials to ensure a UV and colour stable surface in the harshest Australian conditions. All pebbles are natural coloured from a wide variety of Australasian sourced quarries.
CrystalPave™ pebbles are coloured though glass only, not coated, to ensure colour stability for life.
Yes, Rockpave is ideally suited to creating patterns and designs at little extra cost to single colour pavements. Rockpave usually uses tiling angle to form crisp clean borders between colours for a quality effect and finish.
Yes, Rockpave can be trowelled at any depth to levels with inlaid or adjacent tiles and pavers etc. to create materials and texture contrasts in design.
Yes, CrystalPave™ is suitable for backlighting with LEDs etc. to stunning effect. Call MPS Paving Systems fo more information on design details of backlit paving systems.
While it is not possible to guarantee cracks from occuring, all Rockpave systems are designed with an inherent flexibility and tensile strength far in excess of asphalt or concrete. In addition, our pavement design specifications are further engineered with additional anti-cracking solutions such as Rockpave Fibregrid reinforcement and mechanical expansion jointing as required.
All Rockpave surfaces are hand trowelled using the highest quality materials to provide a durable, practical and attractive and fit for purpose floor or pavement.
The finished surface should be laid as close to levels as possible for best results, however specifiers and customers should be aware that surface imperfections (ripples or texture variance) may be visible under certain low light conditions consistent with any hand trowelled or rendered, non self-leveling mortar.
We therefore recommend that specifiers and customers visit reference sites of the installer to satisfy themselves of the quality of work and finish that can be reasonably expected.
No, correctly installed Rockpave will not lose stones over time and will be warranted as such.
Exterior pavements will slowly lose the gloss over time due to wear and tear and weathering. Interior floors will be much slower in this process. CrystalPave™ will generally maintain its glossy finish permanently. The greatest effect on this will be the general volume of wear and tear and the care and maintenance regime it recieves.
Yes, Rockpave is simple to rejuvinate by cleaning and re-sealing using Rockapve sealers.